Firenze Firenze


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“Free” – Oggi Cucino’s New Italian Gluten-free Magazine

“Free” – Oggi Cucino’s New Italian Gluten-free Magazine

While traveling recently, I had the occasion to browse a local newsstand looking for some light reading and, as usually happens, I ended up browsing the culinary… Read more »

Room for the Gluten-free at Florence’s 2014 Biennale Enogastronomica

Room for the Gluten-free at Florence’s 2014 Biennale Enogastronomica

November is usually a rainy month in Florence, and this year has been no exception. Visitors to this Tuscan town, however, are in for a pleasant treat…. Read more »

Gluten-free Brownies

Gluten-free Brownies

My maternal grandmother Edna always made THE. BEST. BROWNIES. While I realize this is a common claim, I speak the truth. Few desserts of hers came out… Read more »

Gluten-free Frittelle di Riso

Gluten-free Frittelle di Riso

Frittelle di riso, or sweet fried rice balls, are the dessert of choice on the Italian Father’s Day, which falls on March 19th,  the Feast of San… Read more »

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